>Secrets to Growing Big Antlers Posted by PeterDouglas101 on October 29th Luke Schenn Youth Jersey , 2018
Antlers are found in the family of deer. it is the growth of the bones that deer and other animals are known to grow especially when mating season is around the corner. Did you know that only male deer could produce antlers? The number of male deer that keep their antlers for a long period of time is even less. Contrary to the popular belief, the point in the antlers or the size of it does not reflect the age of the deer. The size of the antlers depends upon the nutrients that the deer consumes and the overall health as well.
When we talk about deer antlers, the main purpose of it is to find a suitable mate. They use the antlers to fight other deer so they could mate with one of their choices. It is also to show supremacy among other deer. You would have noticed that only caribou females grow rack of antlers. The shorter antlers that you may have noticed on the females is mainly used to protect themselves and the young ones from harm's way.
Deer antlers take a lot of energy to grow. The antlers are very boney and the main nutrient that helps them to grow is calcium. But Shane Doan Youth Jersey , calcium is not present in high dosage in a deer's vegetarian diet. This is why it takes a lot of time for the antlers to grow and why only the healthiest of the deer can grow big antlers.
Secrets to growing big antlers
The hunters hunt for deer with big antlers every year. If the antler is not as grown as the hunter wants, then sometimes they let the deer go, hoping that they would catch it the next year when the antler grows more. But Clayton Keller Youth Jersey , there are a lot of factors, which affect the growth of the antlers like genetics, forage quality Jason Demers Womens Jersey , and poor habitat. It is better to divert your focus on the doe as they are responsible for the nourishment of the fawns in the womb and afterwards as well. A doe that is on a good condition would be able to take care of the fawn in a better manner.
The bottom line is that if secrets to growing big antlers are what you want to know, then focus on the doe and the fawn rather than the bucks. Another thing that you could pay attention to is the nutrition. The increase of protein in the diet does impact the growth of the antlers.
Author: The author is an avid writer and this article is about secrets to growing big antlers.
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